Full Potential Chiropractic Blog
Calgary Chiropractor Gardening Tips
Good Morning Everyone in Calgary, AB! I hope you are all making the most out of your summer! I know some of you have been busy in your beautiful gardens which is why I want to share some tips I found to help avoid back injuries! Feel free to share this article with your family,…
Does Good Posture = Better Mood and Success?
DOES GOOD POSTURE = BETTER MOOD AND SUCCESS? I stumbled upon this article in Calgary, AB that was very interesting and wanted to share it with the Full Potential Family …While elders may have nagged you about your posture,they may not have understood the other benefits of sitting or standing up straight with your head…
Where it comes from…
WHERE IT COMES FROM… Most patients, logically and understandably, want to know how long it usually takes to restore spinal health and function and, of course to start feeling better in Calgary. The most important thing to understand is that these are two very separate questions and, to the surprise of many, often not causally…
Busting your Back this Summer?
BUSTING YOUR BACK THIS SUMMER? Hello Everyone in Calgary! I hope all of you are making the most out of this amazing weather! I love coming in to the clinic and listening to all my patient’s stories of their adventures over the weekend, it joys me too see everyone active and avoiding the couch-potato lifestyle.…
Elbow Pain
ELBOW PAIN Good Morning Practice Members in Calgary! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and spent some quality time with the family! London was very festive this year, she loved the egg hunt. This week, I created a video on how to help elbow pain. We have been seeing this pop up in the…
Spinal Health
Hello Everyone in Calgary! Brushing your teeth everyday but what about your Spinal Hygiene? We brush and floss our teeth everyday to maintain healthy teeth, similarly regular chiropractic care is required to maintain a healthy spine! Dr. James Chestnut in his “Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well” Wellness and Prevention Solutions mentions that the loss…