This Exercise Ages Your Spine



In Calgary I see so many people trying to train their CORE muscle (abs, QL, Obliques, Transvers Abdominis, Low back muscles) like a bicep.

They are training this muscle in completely the wrong way.

The group of muscles that make up the core, are designed to be endurance muscles. They need to be able to contract and stabilize your spine for long periods of time, to keep you upright. They are not designed to be short, powerful and strong muscles like a bicep, for example.

Therefore, why do so many people train them like that, with exercises like crunches?!

Many people are unknowingly causing damage and training muscles incorrectly.

Stuart McGill, professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has conducted dozens of studies replicating the movement of the spine when doing this exercise.

After replicating the flexing of the human spine, he examined the discs and found they had been squeezed to the point where they bulged.

I know how important it is to sift through fact and fiction to uncover the truth about how to protect your back from injury while you exercise.

The fact of the matter is you should NEVER do crunches or sit-ups. And here’s why:

1) Crunches causes lower back stress.

A 1995 study found sit-ups placed over 3,000N of force on the lower spine, which could cause herniated discs. Imagine willingly applying that force on any other part of your body through exercise? You wouldn’t. If you fall for the crunch myth, you will end up in pain, either in your back, neck or elsewhere.

2) Your spine has a shelf life. Crunches age your spine.

You only have so many flexions in your spine before it starts to deteriorate. You can’t repair it. You can’t change it. That’s how it is. The more you flex your spine, the more you age your spine. That’s fact. So why would you actively try to flex your spine at its most vulnerable point causing it to age faster and further?

3) Crunches don’t aid good posture; they reinforce bad posture.

Think about it: what is a crunch? You’re just replicating the bent over movement you make when you’re sat at a desk or slumped in a seat.

4) Because you’re doing crunches, you’re not PROPERLY working your core.

You’re becoming weaker, less powerful, and more susceptible to problems. You see, crunches aren’t functional. They don’t replicate ANY natural movement our bodies were designed for. Our bodies thrive on exercises in alignment with their function. Crunching isn’t a natural movement. It actively opposes the purpose of the spine and works against it. We are meant to be upright and be able to bend, twist, reach and extend.

5) And here’s the worst part… crunches DON’T work.

Yes, you feel the burn. But it’s a fake burn – it feels good, but does it actually deliver results? No.

Crunches miss your core muscles. The narrow range of exercise does nothing to strengthen your deep abdominal muscles, your transversus abdominis, or your obliques.

Crunches ONLY work your rectus abdominis close to your skin.

So the abs you DO end up with tell a lie.They don’t represent strength. They don’t represent inner power. Your core is no stronger for these “cosmetic” abs. In fact, they put your midsection out of balance and increase the risk of injury.


What to do???

Check out these FREE videos on our site…they might just save you from a herniated disc!!

Thanks for reading!